
Coalway Junior School

Year 4, Classes 3 & 4

Welcome to Year 4 with Mrs Evans, Miss Milliner, Mrs Russell, Mrs Brice and Mrs Stevens.

This term will be full of fun and fantastic activities. We will be studying the inspirational poem ‘Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou. 



We will also be learning all about natural resources in both the UK and Chile.

We will also be learning our songs and putting in lots of practice for our Year 4 production which we will perform to parents and the rest of the school in December. It will be a fun packed busy term!

Weekly Homework Tasks


  • You must read at least 3 times each week to an adult at home. Each time you read, you must get your reading record signed by an adult. Please bring this into school every Monday to be checked. 
  • You will be given a weekly times table task to do. Please complete this task, in order to help you to learn the times table facts.


  • We to be super spellers! You need to play at least 8 games on  Spelling Shed each week. This will help you to understand the Year 4 spelling patterns as well as practice spelling rules from previous years. Remember Year 4 wants to be at the top of the leader board so everyone needs to lend a hand! 

Year 4 Times Table wizards! 
In Year 4, we have the task of learning all of our times tables up to 12 times. This takes lots of practice. We will help in class but you will need to put a lot of effort in at home so that you know each fact instantly! It’s a challenge but we know you can do it if you try really hard and put the work in. 
As well as using TTRockstars using your school login, here are some websites to help you –



Your PE t-shirts should be in your house colour and clothes with logos and stripes should not be worn.
You will need to bring your indoor and outdoor PE kit and leave it in your locker to change into for lessons. Our kits need to be in school for a Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor) .
Please make sure you have a warmer PE kit (jogging bottoms and sweatshirt) during the colder months. 

Take a look at our theme map to find out what we will be learning about this term.
