At Coalway Junior School we feel that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is very important as the personal development of the children is at the heart of all we do. For this reason we have renamed PSHE as Personal Development to make it more relevant to the life skills we are teaching the children throughout their time here.
Our curriculum is strongly linked to our School Values all of which guide and support the children towards becoming well informed, confident valuable members of our school and the wider communities.
The scheme of work we use for Personal Development (P.D) is from Scarf and promotes discussion and debate. We use floor books which are large class books to record these sessions.
We have a weekly assembly based on our current value. We read stories, act out small role plays and use our friendly puppets to help us discuss and investigate our emotions. We complete activities linked to our value and these are displayed in the school corridor so the children can see and take pride in their beautiful work.
At school we focus on a new school value each term. This term our value is Thankfulness linked with friendship. We also look closely at our British Values and how they are important in our school and everyday lives. We consider protected characteristics and how important it is to treat everyone with respect and tolerance. We will be looking at Respect, tolerance, courage, compasson and kindness in the coming year using our puppets and stories to raise the awareness of each value in our weekly assemblies.
The children complete a values activity following the launch of each new value, this work is displayed in the class P.D floor books and also in a whole school display in the main corridor. The children enjoy these activities and love seeing their work displayed for all to see.