The Intent of the science curriculum
At Coalway Junior School we recognise the relevance of Science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught at KS2, we ensure this subject receives the time and space it needs for curiosity, knowledge and skills to flourish. We believe a child rich in curiosity is a child rich for life, while the knowledge and skills taught will enable them to pursue avenues of thought to a satisfying end.
It is the acquisition of knowledge and skills that forms the bedrock of each topic. Pupils will use the full range of scientific enquiry types to explore and apply new ideas, which are reinforced as the pupils’ progress through the school. Each topic has ample provision to challenge every pupil at every level. All pupils will gradually work to becoming truly independent thinkers that can reliably use the scientific method.
Following the National Curriculum program of study, the Science Curriculum has been designed with pupils’ interest in mind and recognises that a motivated pupil will always achieve. It therefore provides a platform for them to engage in a variety tasks armed with interest, comradery and zealous charge.
We wish that all pupils at Coalway Junior have, at every level, an understanding of how to look after themselves, their community and the wider world. This is so that they can make confident and innovative decisions with which to move forward.
Science at Home
Science is all around us and you probably use it more than you realise everyday. If you fancy carrying out some of your own science investigations, below are some ideas for your year group and current science topic that you could try at home.
Primary Science Quality Mark
Last year we were working towards achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM). Part of this is promoting science capital and providing children with opportunities to explore different avenues of science, as well as demonstrating that good science practice is embedded throughout the school. We have been successful with this award and will continue to strive to deliver an exciting and purposeful science curriculum.
As part of British Science Week, STEM ambassadors were booked to come into school and deliver workshops to each class. The STEM ambassadors ran geothermal workshops for years 5 and 6, whilst years 3 and 4 developed their engineering skills with a bridge building activity. As part of the geothermal workshop, children had to test different materials to see which ones would make the best insulators for ground source heat pumps. It enabled the children to work scientifically, plan and carry out an enquiry, then make conclusions based on their results. It was a great day where all children were involved and reported having a fun day!
Science Boffins
On the 8th November we had a visit from a science boffin to lead an assembly and run a workshop session with each class. It gave everyone a chance to experience 'hands on' science in a fun and exciting way. In the assembly the children learnt all about rockets and the workshops were based on fabulous flames and incredible illusions.
Science Visitor
On Thursday 1st December we had a visit from a local scientist, Eleanor Cook. She works for IQVIA, a company that runs clinical trials. Eleanor talked to us about her role in the company, why clinical trials are important and the other scientists involved in developing new medicines.
Eleanor told us about the subjects she studied and why she followed a career in science.