Payment for school meals and trips is made online, via ParentPay or by cash through a PayPoint till in a local store (closest to school are Nisa/Eskimarket, Coalway Rd & Spar, New Road, Coalway). Cash and cheques are no longer accepted at school apart from in exceptional circumstances.
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever & wherever you like, 24/7. The system is safe and uses first class internet security technology.
An account will be created for your child when they join Coalway Junior; if you have other children at the school or another school that uses ParentPay, you will be able to link your children to one login.
Payments can be made as soon as the account is activated and a payment history is stored within ParentPay to view at a later date.
If you click on the ParentPay link below, you will be taken to the ParentPay website.
Click on the PayPoint link below to find details of other local PayPoint stores.
For queries relating to ParentPay payments, contact Mrs Pineda Gorriz in the School Office either by email or telephone 01594 810271.