
Coalway Junior School

Behaviour Principles

Coalway Junior School

Behaviour Principles


This document is not policy or practice, rather it is a statement to set out Coalway Junior School’s broad principles and values with regard to behavior that is both expected and promoted within school.


Actual practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Head Teacher who will view each case in light of these principles and relevant policies. The Governing Body approves of this statement, believing it accurately reflects the school’s ethos and that effective learning and development relies on good standards of behaviour.


This is why, at Coalway Junior School, we seek to uphold high standards of behaviour that are guided by the principles within this statement.



  • The school’s primary concern is the safety, wellbeing and education of all pupils; actions taken in cases of bad behavior are within the intention of upholding their wellbeing and academic progress, as well as fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities.
  • All members of the school community must be treated inclusively and be free from any form of discrimination or prejudice – whether it be racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, religion or age based.
  • The school will create and maintain an atmosphere of kindness, tolerance, equality, diversity, respect, understanding, and a sense of citizenship throughout the school community in every day practice. We will all treat others as we wish to be treated.
  • All children, staff and visitors should feel safe in the school environment at all times through high quality care, support and guidance.
  • All pupils have a right to fulfill their greatest academic and personal potential and feel they are valued members of the school by both their peers and school staff. They should be free from bullying, discriminations and distracting peer behaviour.
  • Good behaviour around school is to be acknowledged and rewarded at the discretion of staff, who will judge appropriately.
  • Rules are to be consistently applied across the school and where sanctions are exercised, they should be proportionate to the misdemeanor, in line with the schools Behaviour Policy.
  • At Coalway Junior School, we want to foster a community and collective ethos amongst all members of the school and promote values of caring, empathy, teamwork and respect.
  • In cases of a pupil’s behaviour not meeting our Behaviour Policy, regardless of how sustained and disruptive, the pupils out-of-school circumstances and possible special educational needs and disabilities must be taken into account. Comprehensive support is given before or alongside disciplinary measures – exclusions are to be only used as a last resort where other methods fail.
  • Any kind of violence, threatening behaviour or abuse between pupils, or by pupils/parents/carers towards the school’s staff, will not be tolerated. If a parent/carer does not conduct him/herself properly the school reserves the right to ban them from the premises and, if the parent/carer continues to cause disturbance, he or she may be liable to prosecution.
  • Guidance on the use of reasonable force will be agreed upon by the Head Teacher and Governing Body, and clearly set out within the school’s Behaviour Policy.



  • All members of the school community should be aware of behavioural expectations and the relevant policies, and agree to them as fair and reasonable. These will be made readily available to read and general expectations will be displayed in classrooms and around the school.
  • Polite, considerate and respectful behaviour is to be maintained by all around the school, both in and out of the classroom.
  • Offensive or insulting language is not to be used in any circumstances, deliberately or otherwise.
  • Each pupil receives the necessary behavioural support according to their specific needs.
  • Bullying (and cyber bullying) is not tolerated and pupils should report any case of bullying they experience or observe to school staff.
  • Pupils should show good behaviour in the classroom, not distracting themselves or others from important learning.
  • Staff will lead by example and model their conduct in line with the school’s standards.
  • To keep the pupils and staff safe, the Head Teacher will utilise her powers to search or use reasonable force to keep individuals from harming, or further harming, themselves or others.
  • Everyone in the Coalway Junior School community should understand that the school’s emphasis is on encouraging and praising good behaviour and supporting individuals who are struggling to meet the expected behavioural standards.



This written statement, and the policies that are influenced by it, applies to all pupils and staff inside and outside of school when acting as ambassadors, when engaged in extra-curricular activities, such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential) and when being educated as a member of Coalway Junior School.













