
Coalway Junior School


So that your child can thrive as much as possible, please help them to have good attendance. Please see our Attendance Policy in the Policies section of our website.


Click here below for a leaflet from Gloucestershire County Council:


NHS Guidance on Illness

Did you know that if a child has 90% attendance they will miss 4 weeks of learning every school year? This amounts to one whole academic year of lost learning across their school life. 

Children with 80% attendance will miss 8 weeks of learning every school year. This is 2 years of lost learning across their school life. 


Can your child afford to miss out?


Research shows that children who are not in school regularly are:

  • More likely to become involved in, or become a victim of crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • More likely to fall behind due to the strong link between attendance and achieving good school results.
  • Less Likely to achieve 5 good GCSEs (grade 9-5) compared with those with less than 8 days absences.
  • More likely to have increased levels of anxiety due to inconsistencies and uncertainty in their routine.
  • More likely to have low self-esteem due to finding learning increasingly hard and having missed out on key information.